Trainee Update – July 2021
NSW Trainees
Term 2 is officially over and what a busy time it has been for our NSW Trainees!
The trainees at Hurstville have all done an awesome job at settling into their site as the renovations at Hurstville Aquatic Leisure Centre have completed. We commend the gang for being so resilient in their recent site change from Bexley Aquatic to Hurstville as well as adapting to the different pool and operational rules. We understand it is not an easy task!
Year 11 Trainees
The year 11 trainees have surpassed the 6 month mark of their traineeship and have adapted well to the work life. Due to the COVID lockdown in Sydney, the TAFE block has been pushed back.
Our Newcastle trainees on the other hand, completed their theory block online and did a fantastic job in completing their work independently!
Year 12 trainees
Our year 12 trainees have all had their catch up reviews and we would like to wish all of our year 12s the best of luck for their upcoming HSC Trial exams!
Trainee Shout Out
Abbey Connor.
We would like this time to also formally congratulate our trainee Abbey Connor with her performance at the 2021 Australian Swimming Olympic Trials in June! Abbey at the mere age of 16 competed in several events over the duration of the trials. Abbey’s tenacity and determination made her a fierce competitor during this competition and enabled her to land her spot in the Australian Finals where she placed 9th in Australia! Although she didn’t make the 2021 Olympic Games Abbey was selected in the Australian Junior Team and hopefully we will see her at the very next Olympics. Well done, we are all so proud!
Shaun Morrison
A big congratulations to Shaun Morrison, a trainee at Bexley who has recently completed his School Based Traineeship! Upon his completion, Shaun acknowledges his personal strengths which are: workplace professionalism, barista skills, being able to balance school and work throughout the traineeship and time management.
Well done Shaun!
NSW Training Awards
A big big congratulations to our finalists Kate Van Es, Ashley Campbell, Liana Sitiene and Nick Haydari!
We were lucky enough to attend Kate’s Awards night, it was unfortunate that the Southern and South West Sydney Awards were moved online due to the COVID Outbreak.

SA Trainees
This term Jamie and Brayden have been focusing on their Certificate III studies with Active Training and learning about the importance of workplace professionalism. It’s great to see them achieving their individual goals!
Due to plant room renovations, the Aquadome aquatic facilities will be closed from July for a few months. We cannot wait to get the boys back to work ASAP with the next goals being training up as swim school instructors and customer service team members.
The Aquadome is also very lucky to have 4 pathway trainees:
Elissa Walsh – Certificate IV Sport and Recreation
Elyse Videon – Certificate IV Leadership and Management
Riley Giersch – Certificate IV Sport and Recreation
Andrew Marschall – Certificate IV Sport and Recreation
We are extremely proud of all our pathways, working away with individual workplace training goals.

QLD Trainees
We would like to begin our State update with a big congratulations to Beth Harth who is a finalist for the State Training Awards! See below photos of her photoshoot for the event! The awards will be held on Friday 30th July, our fingers are crossed!
Our trainees have just completed their second assessment where they all ran a practical session of their choice. See photos of Jordan running his swimming session at Yeppoon Lagoon!
Upcoming Course Reminders
A quick reminder to book into the following courses, please speak to Anna for advice on which course to book into.
Swim Teacher Course, 17th October at Gladstone Pool Book Now
Lifeguard Renewals
25th September, Gladstone pool 8am – 12pm Book Now
25th September, Gladstone pool 1:30 – 6:00pm Book Now
24th September, South Rockhampton Pool 8am -12pm Book Now
24th September, South Rockhampton Pool 1:30pm – 6:00pm Book now

VIC Trainees
Our Victorian trainees have been in full swing completing their Learn to Swim shadow shifts. A special mention to our BayFit trainee Lilu Lacey-Myers who has already completed her Instructor training and is now a fully qualified instructor taking her own classes. Lilu has continued to show great passion and enthusiasm for the traineeship and as a result is excelling both in her studies and work. Well done Lilu!
New VIC Sites
1 July, BlueFit successfully took over the operation of Melton Waves from Belgravia Leisure.
28 June, BlueFit successfully took over the operation of the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre from SwimRight.
We look forward to extending our traineeship program to students from those local areas!
Term 2 Resilience Workshop
Students participated in a workshop focussing on resilience and what role this plays in their lives. The morning started off by enjoying some morning tea at the BayFit Leisure Centre cafe to kick off the session. Through some interesting topics students were able to identify areas in their lives where they show the most resilience and other areas that they need to show more resilience. We then reflected on the people in their lives who displayed consistent resilience and what they did to overcome obstacles that life threw their way. To summarise, students gained some valuable insights on this topic to not only apply to their traineeship but all aspects of their lives!
Term 3 Update
We look forward to our year 12 students putting the final touches on their course work this semester nearing the completion of the traineeship program. In addition, we hope to see all of our trainees become fully qualified as a Swim Instructor by the end of the term. Good Luck!!

WA Trainees
Our WA trainees have had a great Term 2 all while juggling school exams and a covid lockdown! Due to the lockdown, we had to cancel our face to face workshop which was going to be about resilience. We are hoping to run this workshop in the next school holidays however, throughout this lockdown we have seen such great resilience from our trainees!
The year 12 cohort have been focusing on completing the rest of their Certificate III in Sport and Recreation theory. We are very proud of the trainees for developing a great study routine seeking assistance from Laura where needed!
The year 11 cohort have recently completed their evacuation training and are working on the start of their TAFE clusters!
Upcoming Course Reminders
A quick reminder to book into the following courses, please speak to Laura for advice on which course to book into.
Swim Teacher Course, 8th August Book Now
Lifeguard Renewal, 16th October
Morning session 8am -12:30pm Book Now
Afternoon session 1:30pm – 6pm Book Now