
QLD Update

Term 2 is almost complete, well done to all trainees managing a busy term of school, work and study. It’s not an easy task and you are doing a great job of balancing all three!

CQU Mega Careers Expo 2022

Last month, CQ Uni hosted a Careers Expo which saw over 400 Year 10 students from Rockhampton and Yeppoon High Schools join the event (see right image). We had so much fun chatting with keen and eager students interested to join our SBAT teams in QLD.

Recruitment Season

Our 2022/2023 recruitment for new trainees has started and we are looking forward to meeting potential new trainees who will be starting their traineeships in early November 2022.

 If you have siblings or friends in Year 10 or 11 that would be interested in a fabulous, exciting and fun traineeship in the Sport and Rec Industry, please tell them to visit our LEA website or scan the QR code on one of the LEA recruitment posters at our sites. 

Scott Morrison came for a swim!

We were so excited to see Scott Morrison (former PM) visit our Rockhampton site for an evening swim. He happily chatted to our trainees on shift about their traineeships (centre image).

Study update

Unfortunately, due to extreme weather conditions, Michael from YDAT had to cancel flights and was unable to see you in person! But, where there’s a will there’s a way and many of you were able to zoom your sessions so that we could tick off this vital part of your Cert lll studies! Michael will hopefully be here in July to complete face-to-face assessments. 

We are making a change to our usual independent study practice as it seems it’s a struggle for some of you to find the motivation to study in your own time. This month, we are starting guided study sessions where we will meet once a month to complete 1 unit as a group.

Date/Time/Place as follows:

Gladstone Trainees – Saturday 18th June 1pm – Gladstone Aquatic Centre (Timing Room)

Rockhampton Trainees – Monday 20th June 3:30pm – Rocky pool (Timing Room)

Yeppoon Trainees – Thursday 23rd June 3:3pm – Yeppoon Library

This is a compulsory session for all trainees, we are looking forward to seeing you there.

2022 Queensland Training Awards 

I am very proud to announce that Martine David (left of photo), Rockhampton trainee has made the top 5 of the Central Queensland Regionals for School Based trainee of the year 2022. Martine has just completed her traineeship in just over 8 months which is amazing considering she also had to work a mighty 562 hours in that time. Martine has worked in every department at our Rockhampton site and will continue working in Swim School and lifeguarding whilst she completes Year 12.

Martine has been an amazing trainee in every way and I am keeping everything crossed for the announcement of finals where we will be able to support her at the awards event in Emerald on 23rd July. Good luck Martine, you’ve got this!



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