Trainee Update – August 2021
Greater Sydney Trainees
12 weeks and being in lockdown but who is really counting? Our trainees, although unable to work due to the current NSW restrictions, have been making the most of their time in lockdown. Some of our Sydney trainees have taken this time to keep active, bake healthy treats, spend quality time with their families and take in the beautiful beaches and landmarks of Sydney. The recurring themes from our trainee check-ins included catching up on sports, focusing on fitness goals, finding podcasts on self-motivation and planning their goals for the remainder of the year!
Currently our year 11 trainees are in the middle of their preliminary exams and we wanted to commemorate them for all their hard work in their first round of serious senior school exams. Here, we also congratulate our Year 12 trainees for completing their HSC trials, we acknowledge their resilience and determination in completing their exams under these circumstances. We wish you the best of luck in the rest of your final studies. Finally, we give a special mention to all our pathway trainees who have been using this downtime from the workplace to focus on the study component of their traineeships. It is not easy being motivated to get it done but nevertheless, they continue to jump online weekly to finish their study!
The consultants have been extremely excited to see the personalities throughout the recruitment process for the 2022 trainees. With our interview process nearing the end, we’re pleased to say we’ve almost completed our 2022 trainee family for NSW. And we can’t wait for our current trainees to meet and work alongside their new peers!

Regional NSW Trainees
Congratulations to our Picton and Moss Vale trainees for their hard efforts during this lockdown period. Our regional trainees worked hard at the beginning of the Sydney lockdown as they were one of the few sites that still remained open. Now that they are in lockdown, the trainees have utilised this time at home to focus on their studies and picking up extra hobbies. Although we have not been able to meet in person, I have had the pleasure of meeting and staying connected with my trainees through our online monthly check-ins!

North Coast Regional NSW Trainees
As the Newcastle trainees were about to start their next season ahead after a three month seasonal site closure, they were interrupted by the NSW Covid-19 restrictions a week before the grand opening. Despite the many challenges that the trainees faced, they have continued to study their Cert II online during the holidays and participated in the online swim school course.
August was a busy month as LEA had recruited 7 Newcastle trainees and 3 trainees from Port Macquarie for the 2022 cohort! Nikala (regional consultant) was again blown away by the outstanding efforts the trainees upheld during the many disturbances of Covid-19 NSW lockdown. LEA can’t wait to work with the upcoming 2022 trainees, as they have already started the traineeship, showing their enthusiasm and dedication to the program!
Finally, our Fabulous pathway trainee Jordan has been able to continue his Cert IV study during the lockdown, although he can’t wait to get back on site and start his journey as a duty manager. See to the right of the photo below a photo of him and his pup.
During the July school Holidays, David Macclure attended the Australian Defence Force Cadets camp. This involved a week of learning about survival, leadership and personal growth. David said ” I used my traineeship skills and experiences by delivering a simple first aid lesson in front of my peers. At first, I was nervous but It was a success as I received a result of 85%. I had never taught anyone to perform first aid before. This was quite the experience and I would recommend everyone give it a go!” See to the left of the photo David in his Cadet uniform.

QLD Trainees
Our QLD trainees have been enjoying the cooler weather recently, working hard on completing their final hours of work as the majority of their Cert lll studies are done!
The recruitment process has had a helping hand from 2 of our Yeppoon trainees, Molly and Khaiya who put together a fantastic presentation at their school assembly 2 weeks ago and we will be signing up a new trainee for Yeppoon Lagoon thanks to their efforts! Thank you girls for your hard work and dedication that you have shown.
New sign ups and work readiness workshops will be happening in QLD in the coming weeks, look out for new trainees in your workplace from the 1st October. Please say hello and give them a friendly welcome.

VIC Trainees
After a successful in-person term 2 workshop our Victorian students began working for a few weeks before the lockdowns hit the state. It’s been tough for our trainees not being able to complete their working hours, but all trainees are excited and ready to continue working part-time after school finishes.
During term 3 school holidays, we will run an online workshop going through the importance of self-care and mental health during lockdown. Brenton from GoTafe will also run through the last few modules as our year 12 students race to complete their studies by end of October.
Our trainees reflected on some of their proudest moments.
Top Left photo – Trainee Kali as a young national gymnast training for the olympics. She was training 40+ hours a week.
Bottom left of photo – Trainee Lilu in 2016 coming 2nd in a flow rider competition and the youngest person to Medal on that ship.
Top right of photo – Trainee Harry enjoys playing football and basketball. He hopes to continue his career becoming a Fire Fighter.
Bottom right – Trainee Hamish is an aspiring Paramedic who also enjoys sport, here’s him during his lifeguard course. (Centre of photo).
Featured in the newsletter cover – Trainee Myah has been to all parts of the world including South Korea, France, Ireland, England, and the Netherlands. She’s looking forward to travelling again with her family.

SA Trainees
Our SA Trainees are working hard on their theory work as they near the end of their schooling and are happy to be back on the pool deck now that the center is reopened after maintenance work carried out on the pools.
Very excitedly the trainees have completed their online swim school course and are now getting a taste of what being a swim teacher is like as they complete their 20 shadow hours! It’s an amazing achievement and a great skill they can utilise throughout their lives.
Goodluck to our trainees with your school exams, we’ll be cheering you on from afar!
We are excited to be in the middle of our recruitment phase for the 2022 SA cohort and looking forward to getting to know our new LEA family members!

WA Trainees
Another term done and dusted for our WA cohort and what a big term it has been! Our year 12 trainees are focusing on the final push of their schooling and completing their traineeship. We have had 2 completions so far and the remaining are only a few weeks behind which I am so proud of as it hasn’t always been the smoothest traineeship (hello covid!)
We are looking forward to our completion party/social night where we can share some laughs and the achievements of our
Year 11s trainees are focusing on their cert 3 study and have an upcoming teaching day with NMTAFE during the school holidays which will be great! They have also transitioned to our swim school and are now in the water doing their shadow hours after completing the Southern Education swim school course. We are excited to see their development into amazing instructors!
Recruitment is well underway for our 2022 cohort and it has been great to meet and get to know our trainees that are joining the LEA family.