Pathway Traineeship Update
We’ve had a great number of Pathways complete their traineeship over the past few months, take a look at Facility Manager Mark Breit’s story below:
My Journey with Pathway Traineeship – Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation
I chose to commence the traineeship because it was kindly offered to me and along with dedicated study hours…it was an offer too good to refuse. Initially, balancing a busy work schedule made it challenging to get into the study mindset, and I missed some early online lessons. However, as my work-life balance improved, I finally found my rhythm and dove into the course.
Once I began, I found the topics and information incredibly engaging, which kept me motivated. Receiving emails confirming I had passed assessments further encouraged me. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and am grateful to Julie from FAST College and Laura from LEA for their patience and support.
Now that I have completed the course, I am excited for the new opportunities it can provide me within BlueFit, especially as the company expands. I appreciate this opportunity as it has helped me become a better manager and leader for my team.